martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

My favorite device

I consideer that my favorite device is my Playstation 4, I could say that is my cellphone, but just in the Play I can spend a lot of my time and I don´t get bored.

The Playstation 4 is a game console that let you play the games that you purchase.
 I got it in Christmas, like a present from my parents for my brother and I.

I use it any time I can and this is usefull for me when
I´m a Little
stressed with Jobs and other things.

          I like it specially for one game, the Call of Duty, because it´s the best game of the life!!!

If this game console doesn´t exist, I think that my life would be a Little more tedious and I have to find another way for clear my mind, but exist, So… 

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


Well this week I´m going to talk about the inspiration that made me choose veterinary medicine.

When I was in my sixteen years, I always dreamed about be a “doctor of pets”, because I love the animals and it´s thanks my dad, he loves the animals too, so he open this world for me, a world of empathy and respect for another life.

However in the school I meet another side of mathematics and I consider options of career like architecture and engineering.

 But finally I decided estudy the career that I always want, and I don´t regret about my decision because this experience  has been unique and this has allowed me know wonderful people.

I still don´t know what kind of job I want to have but I´m sure that I will discover on the future... or that´s what I hope haha :P

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

A bit of my life...

Hi, My name is Dominique Flores Acuña and I´m going to tell you a piece of my life.

    When I was 4 and a half year
  • Well I was born in Santiago and I have lived through all my life also there, I was born in the year 1998, which it wants to say that already I am 18 years old.¡Yass!

  • When I was young,I was a bit untidy and I liked so much play with the land and with the insects that were there

My friends an I in the ´´Mechoneo´´  
  • Pass my last years of college in the Boston College, where I knew many persons and did big friendship.
  • Always I liked the animals and when I was young I had a lot of pets, this way that I decided to study veterinary medicine.
  • I spend something of my time with hobbies as playing play, to see series or to paint animals and landscapes.

My brothers and Sumi

  • We are 5 in my family, my mom, my dad, my major brother and my minor sister, and I´m the sister of the way.
  • In addition I have pets that also form a part of our family, which are three dogs, three rabbits, two tortoises and a fish

  • Finally I want to present you to Sumi the new member of my family