I love this photograph, because this represent a part
important, very important of my life, it was take the past year, in this photo
we can see to my mother “Teresa”, my father “Juan”, my brother “Alexis”, my
sister “Maite” and my cousin “Ricardo”, in this moment we were watching a match
of Chile in the “Copa America”.
I remember that we have something like a “cábala” that
consist in that my sister Maite Paint all our faces, it doesn´t matter if this
doesn´t look very well haha.
My cousin is like a brother for me because I spend all my
childhood with him, we have the same age so we were playing or doing pranks all
the time.
Well and my parents are there too because their always are
there for me when I´m happy, sad, angry or sick, and my brother and sister are
a fundamental part of my life too, without all of them I think that I won´t be the person that I´m today.