martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016


Well I think that my ideal weekend consist in;

-First I would wake up at 12 am, then have breackfast in my bed meanwhile I enjoy a serie. Later play Call of Duty with my brother and spend some time with my pet´s.

-At the lunchtime I imagine a lunch done by my mother, something like lasagne, shellfish or noodles with mushroom´s sauce, then eat watermelon ❤ and take a nap.

- Finally at the midnight go out with friends or family and have a good time.

In other case, I go out to the beach with my family, in Tongoy, and pass a lot of time in the small cove eating “ceviche” and large oyster and another shellfish´s, and at the midnight  go to walk, enjoy the view and relax.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Your ideal weekend is so you haha, you can't describe it better. (Watermelon are so delicious!)

  3. wake up at 12, then a nap, and then a second nap? haha
    I love sleep to!

  4. I love lasagne! and in a weekend I can sleep so much and wake up about 2 o 3 pm jaja, I'm so lazy :P

  5. Mmm delicious lasagna, and "ceviche" i like it too , but I don't like seafood, only ceviche and fried fish.
